A detailed inspection will be conducted to determine compliance with OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910 Subparts A through Z), applicable PEOSHA standards, National Electrical Code (NEC), and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This inspection will also include a review of safety records and observation of employee work practices and procedures. At the conclusion of the inspection, a written report will be prepared identifying deficiencies and recommendations for corrections where applicable. This report will be supplied in a bound file copy, as well as working copies to be distributed to key personnel. This service includes a complimentary follow-up meeting to discuss the report and clarify any questions that might arise. Some of the areas covered in the inspection include, but are not limited to:
■ Electrical
■ Fire Protection
■ Machine/Mechanical Equipment
■ Means of Egress
■ Recordkeeping
■ Storage Areas
■ Walking/Working Surfaces
■ Warning Signs & Labels
Audit Existing Programs
We will conduct a comprehensive review of existing safety programs and policies to determine OSHA/PEOSHA compliance and correctness, cross referenced and checked with any other pertinent procedure manuals throughout the facility (e.g.—Respiratory Protection, Lockout/Tagout, Confined Space Entry, etc.,). Written recommendations for additions, changes and corrections in programs and policies will be made as required.
Policy Development
Occupational Safety Services, Inc. will work with a representative of your company to develop written safety policies which are required by law. The development process will include draft copies to be distributed to designated members of your staff for review and comment prior to the final printed version. The format and language used in these policies is specifically crafted to meet standard requirements while making it easy to read and understand.
The primary purpose of an accident investigation is to prevent similar occurances and thus improve safety. There are also OSHA/PEOSHA reporting requirements which must be met. A systematic approach to accident investigation is, therefore, essential to a good safety and health program and management system. A thorough evaluation is necessary to assure management that high quality investigations offer adequate identification of causal factors and specific measures needed to eliminate or reduce the probability of recurrence of a similar type of incident. Occupational Safety Services, Inc. staff has both the training and experience needed to perform these in-depth investigations, including the filing of necessary reports and recordkeeping.
Occupational Safety Services, Inc. understands the burden placed on your business by the ever changing regulatory process. Along with our other services we can assist you in many other areas including, but not limited to:
■ Accident/Injury Loss Analysis
□ Review past accident records to determine trends and develop strategy to eliminate causes
■ Emergency Response Plans/Evacuation Drills
□ Develop site-specific actions for facility emergencies and test their effectiveness
■ Community Right-to-Know Survey
□ Inventory hazardous materials, complete forms and file with all required agencies
Occupational Safety Services, Inc. has received approval from the NJWEA to offer Total Contact Hour Credits for safety training to be used towards CEUs . (call our office for more detailed information)
Please Note: All of our programs include a bound “training records package” to satisfy OSHA recordkeeping requirements
Asbestos Awareness Training (AHERA)
(Public Law-99.519) 29 CFR 1910.1001
Designed for maintenance and custodial staff who may work in a building that contains ACBM whether or not they are required to work with ACBM. Subjects covered will include:
■ Information Regarding the Uses and Forms of Asbestos
■ Health Effects Associated with Asbestos Exposure
■ Locations of ACBM in their Work Areas
■ Recognition of Damage, Deterioration, and Delamination of ACBM
■ Location of Management Plan
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Back Injury Prevention
Teaches employees the protection and care of the back. The following topics are discussed:
■ Costs of Strains & Sprains
■ Overexertion
■ Stress
■ Treatment of Muscle/Joint Injury
This course should be conducted in a room with a rug or mat. All students will be required to get on the floor for exercises unless they are currently suffering from back pain. A written test is also administered to test knowledge gained. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Bloodborne Pathogens and Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1030)
Meets the training requirements of specific OSHA regulations for employees who may be at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This program also briefly covers the symptoms, causes and solutions to airborne pathogens. Information covered in this program includes:
■ Written Exposure Control Plan of Your Facility
■ Major Compliance Requirements of the OSHA Standard
■ Symptoms and Modes of Transmission of Bloodborne Diseases
■ Selection and Use of Equipment and Clothing
■ Practices to Prevent Exposures
■ Sick Building Syndrome and Building Related Illnesses
■ How to Correct and/or Prevent Indoor Air Quality Problems
This course includes a written test, as well as a practical exercise where students perform contamination control procedures. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Teaches lifesaving skills to use in respiratory and cardiac emergencies. Information covered in these programs includes:
■ First Aid for Choking (Heimlich Maneuver)
■ Recognition of the Need for CPR
■ How to Use the Emergency Medical Services System
■ Includes Practical Exercise with Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
This course includes a written and practical test. Upon successful completion, each student will receive a certificate and a wallet-sized identification card (American Heart Association) for instant on-site proof of training.
Confined Space Entry (29 CFR 1910.146)
Focuses on the OSHA/PEOSHA requirements for health and safety procedures, work permits, entry practices and emergency rescue procedures for all confined space entry work. The information discussed includes:
■ Confined Space Entry Policy & Requirements For Your Facility
■ Hazards Encountered in Confined Spaces
■ Sources of Oxygen Deficiency
■ Human Response to Oxygen Deficiency
■ Duties of Attendant, Entrant & Supervisor
■ Testing and Ventilation Methods
This course includes a written and practical test. Upon successful completion, each student will receive a certificate and a laminated, wallet-sized identification card for instant on-site proof of training.
Fall Protection (29 CFR 1926.503)
In the construction industry in the U.S., falls are the leading cause of worker fatalities. This program deals with both the human and equipment-related issues in protecting workers from fall hazards. The course includes:
■ The OSHA Standard
■ Ladders & Scaffolds
■ Railing and Toeboards
■ Planking
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Fire Extinguisher Safety (29 CFR 1910.157)
This program satisfies the annual training required where portable fire extinguishers are made available for use. It deals with the proper selection and use of fire extinguishers when fighting fires in their incipient stages. The following topics will be discussed:
■ Fire Triangle
■ Types of Fires
■ Proper Selection and Use of Extinguishers
■ Extinguisher Inspection
■ Discussion of Facility Evacuation Routes & Emergency Stations
This course includes a written test. At management’s discretion, all participants will be invited to get hands on experience with fire extinguishers provided for the class. Certificates will be awarded to all participants who successfully complete the course.
First Aid
Trains the first responder in the proper actions to take while waiting for professional help to arrive. Information discussed includes:
■ Recognizing an Emergency
■ Activating the EMS
■ Assessing the Scene/Victim
■ Common Emergencies: Trauma & Medical
■ Treatment: Trauma/Medical
This course includes a written and practical exercise. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and a wallet-sized identification card (American Red Cross) for instant on-site proof of training.
Forklift Safety (29 CFR 1910.178)(1)
Teaches operators the rules and regulations for safe operation of powered industrial trucks. This program meets the requirements of the changes in the regulation. Subjects covered Include:
■ Review of the Written Forklift Safety Policy for Your Facility
■ Pre-Operation Inspection
■ Load Capacity, Stability Triangle, Balance Point
■ Proper Procedure for Handling a Load
■ Hazardous Driving Skills
■ Proper Parking Procedures
This course includes a written and practical test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and a laminated, wallet-sized identification card for instant on-site proof of training.
Practical training on the equipment actually being used demonstrates the capability of driver and machine.
Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200)
Discusses both the employer’s and employees’ rights and responsibilities under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. Selected Material Safety Data Sheets from your operation will be incorporated into the training. The following topics are discussed:
■ Facility Hazard Communication Policy
■ What Constitutes a Health Hazard
■ Methods Used to Recognize a Health Hazard
■ Types of Toxic Material
■ Effects of Toxic Material
■ Routes of Entry
■ Body’s Reaction to Toxins
■ Methods Used to Control Exposure
■ How to Obtain and Use a Material Safety Data Sheet
Initial NJ Right-To-Know for Public Employees (NJAC 8:59-6.2)
This program is specifically designed to meet the training requirements for public employees. It discusses all the topics in the above program, in a format approved and FULLY CERTIFIED by the NJ Department of Health, and includes a walk-through of the work area with a discussion of the chemicals specific to the job process.
Hazard Communication/NJ Right-To-Know Refresher
This required training will reinforce the topics covered in the initial RTK program. Selected Material Safety Data Sheets and corresponding Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets from your operation will be incorporated into the training.
These programs include practical exercises in the use of Material Safety Data Sheets and a written test.
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Training (HAZWOPER)
(29 CFR 1910.120)
This program is offered in the following three levels:
8 Hour First Responder Operations (Level I)
■ Responds to the release of hazardous substances in a defensive manner, without trying to stop the releases.
24 Hour HAZMAT Technician (Level II)
■ Offensive spill response with the purpose of plugging, patching, or aggressively stopping the discharge.
The following topics are discussed in varying degrees of specificity in all
HAZWOPER training programs:
Hazard Recognition
■ Identifying Types of Hazardous Materials and Conditions
■ Hazard Communication/Right-To-Know Training
■ Site Characterization
■ Risks Associated with Remediation
Personal Protective Equipment
■ Proper Selection, Use and Care
■ Levels of Protection
■ Proper Donning & Doffing
■ Respirator Fit Testing
■ Storage and Disposal
Appropriate Control, Containment, or Confinement
■ Decontamination Methods and Procedures
■ Use of Monitoring Devices and Engineering Controls
■ Remediation Technology
■ Site-Specific Emergency Response Plan
“Table Top” Exercise ( All Levels)
Participants will create an enlarged layout map of your facility, and utilize it during a classroom exercise scenario of a hazardous materials release incident. Students will be expected to take part in a question and answer discussion designed to test overall decision making skills in evaluating and handling a possible situation.
Practical Work Exercise (24 hour only)
Students perform hands-on mock spill cleanup activities to reinforce classroom training and provide a working knowledge of hazardous materials remediation.
Annual Refresher Training
All three levels of training require refresher training annually. The standard eight hour program includes a site-specific table top exercise, however arrangements can be made to include a practical exercise.
These courses include a written test. Upon successful completion, each student will receive a certificate and a laminated, wallet-sized photo identification card for instant on-site proof of training.
Hearing Conservation
This program is designed to explain the relationship of noise to hearing loss and the Importance of hearing conservation programs. Employees will understand the structure of the ear and the proper use and selection of ear protection equipment. Some of the topics discussed include:
■ Structure of the ear
■ Measurement of sound
- frequency
- intensity
■ Elements of a hearing conservation program
■ Selection and use of hearing protection
■ Care of the ear
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Hoisting and Rigging (29 CFR 1910.184)
This course discusses safe operating practices associated with the hoisting & rigging of equipment. It provides both classroom and practical instruction. The following topics are included in this program:
■ Wire Rope Classification and Design
■ Rope Selection and Uses
■ Types of Slings
■ Inspection of Slings and Hooks
■ Hardware
□ shackles
□ eyebolts
□ hooks
□ spreaders
■ Determining Center of Gravity and Load Angle Factors
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate.
Lab Safety/Hygiene (29 CFR 1910.1450)
Designed to reinforce the safety awareness and practical application of proper procedures in a variety of laboratory situations. The following topics will be discussed:
■ Importance of Safety
■ Facility’s Chemical Hygiene Plan/Right-To-Know
■ Facility Safety
■ Control of Hazards
■ Storage & Waste Disposal
■ First Aid & Emergency Procedures
■ General Hazards
□ toxins & carcinogens
□ corrosives
□ compressed gases
□ flammables
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Lead Safety Awareness
Explains the health hazards of lead exposures and the precautions that must be taken to work safely. The following topics will be discussed:
■ Effects of Lead Poisoning
■ Employer Actions Required
■ Need for Medical Monitoring
■ Safe Work Practices
□ respiratory protection
□ personal protective equipment
□ personal hygiene practices
This course includes a written test. Each participant who successfully completes this training will receive a certificate
Lockout/Tagout—Basic Electrical Safety (29 CFR 1910.147)
Reviews the basic principles of working safely and the importance of following proper lockout/tagout procedures to ensure safety for all “authorized” employees. Specific energy control procedures for equipment in your facility are identified and discussed in the program. Basic electrical safety for the machine operator or the person responsible for minor electrical and mechanical repairs will also be covered. The following topics are discussed:
- Basic Understanding of Electricity & Ohm's Law
- Effects o fElectrical Shock on the Human Body
- Safeguards Required to Prevent Electrical Shock
- Types of Energy Sources
- Facility Lockout/Tagout Policy
- NFPA 70E Requirements
- Definition of Lockout and Tagout
- When a Lockout is Required
- Steps Required for a Proper Lockout
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and a laminated, wallet-sized identification card for instant on-site proof of training.
Lockout/Tagout—Affected Employees
An awareness level training program designed to satisfy the training requirements for “affected” employees working near equipment which may at some point be locked or tagged out. The above Lockout/Tagout topics are briefly discussed in a classroom setting. A quiz is administered to test participants’ knowledge of lockout/tagout.
Machine Guarding and Hand Safety
This course covers the major types and causes of hand injuries and how to prevent them. Also reviewed is the importance of machine guarding, application of the Code and the responsibilities of both the employer and the employee. The following topics are discussed:
Types, Causes & Prevention of Hand Injuries
traumatic & contact injuries
repetitive motion trauma
Hand Protection
types of gloves and their uses
barrier creams, cleaners, etc.
First Aid
lacerations, amputations & fractures
burns—thermal & chemical
Reviews of OSHA/PEOSHA Policy Requirements for Machine Guarding
Types of Guards Used at Point of Operation
Discussion of Types of Machine Movement
Guarding at the Source of Power
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificat
Machine Guarding and Hand Safety
This course covers the major types and causes of hand injuries and how to prevent them. Also reviewed is the importance of machine guarding, application of the Code and the responsibilities of both the employer and the employee. The following topics are discussed:
■ Types, Causes & Prevention of Hand Injuries
□ traumatic & contact injuries
□ repetitive motion trauma
■ Hand Protection
□ types of gloves and their uses
□ barrier creams, cleaners, etc.
□ ergonomics
■ First Aid
□ lacerations, amputations & fractures
□ burns—thermal & chemical
■ Reviews of OSHA/PEOSHA Policy Requirements for Machine Guarding
■ Types of Guards Used at Point of Operation
■ Discussion of Types of Machine Movement
■ Guarding at the Source of Power
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Managing an Effective Safety Program
Designed for supervisors, managers, and anyone responsible for implementing or managing the safety program of your facility, this one day course covers essential elements needed to achieve an efficient, safe and knowledgeable workforce. Topics discussed will include:
■ Safety & Health Program Management Guidelines
□ essential elements of a safety & health program
□ importance of regular employee training
■ General Duty Clause
■ Commonly Violated OSHA Standards
■ Accident Investigation
□ safety inspections
□ job safety analysis
■ Required Training/Policies
■ Recordkeeping Requirements
■ Management Commitment & Employee Attitude
□ safety policy statement
□ establishing goals
□ visible top management/ employee involvement
□ hazard prevention & control
- engineering/administrative controls
- personal protective equipment
- establishing medical/first aid program
- health and safety training
This course includes practical exercises. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Office Ergonomics and Safety
Will evaluate and challenge the validity of the belief that all office environments are, by their nature, safe. The following topics are discussed:
■ Common Office Accidents and Causes
■ Office & VDT Ergonomics
■ Proper Lighting
■ Eye Care
■ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
■ Exercises for the Office
This course includes a written test, practical exercises designed to relieve stress and tension, and also relieve and prevent repetitive motion trauma. Upon successful completion, each person will receive a certificate.
OSHA General Industry Outreach Program
OSS, Inc. instructors are authorized by OSHA to teach both 10 hour and 30 hour courses, intended to provide instruction on a variety of general industry safety and health standards.
Each program is customized for your needs, and OSS, Inc. will work with you to assist in your topic selection. Any OSHA general industry standard which is applicable to your work environment can be incorporated into your training. The following required OSHA topics are the core of both the 10 and 30 hour courses:
■ Introduction to OSHA, OSH Act/General Duty Clause 5 (a)(1), Inspections, Citations, and Penalties.
■ Walking and Working Surfaces
■ Means of Egress and Fire Protection
■ Hazardous Materials
■ Machine Guarding
■ Electrical
■ Hazard Communication
In order to complete the specific level of training, selections from the following topics may be included to augment the required subjects and more closely customize the program to your needs.
■ Hazardous Waste Operations, Emergency Response & Process Safety Management
■ Personal Protective Equipment
■ General Environmental Controls
■ Lockout/Tagout
■ Hand and Powered Tools
■ Hearing Conservation
■ Toxic and Hazardous Substances (other than Hazard Communication)
■ Permit Required Confined Spaces
■ Materials Handling
■ Welding, Cutting, and Brazing
■ Bloodborne Pathogens
■ 29 CFR 1904, Recordkeeping, OSHA Forms #200 & #101
■ Ergonomics
■ Safety and Health Program Management
■ Medical & First Aid
These courses include a written test. Upon successful completion each participant will receive a laminated, wallet-sized card issued by the U.S. Dept. of labor/OSHA, and a certificate of completion from Occupational Safety Services, Inc.
OSHA Outreach Program For Construction
OSS, Inc. instructors are authorized by OSHA to teach both 10 hour and 30 hour courses, intended to provide instruction on a variety of construction industry safety and health standards.
Each program is customized for your needs, and OSS, Inc. will work with you to assist in your topic selection. The following required OSHA topics are the core of the course:
■ Introduction to OSHA,
■ Electrical
■ Fall Protection
■ Cranes & Hoists
■ Excavations
In order to complete the specified level of training, the following topics cab be
included to augment the required subjects.
■ Asbestos
■ Concrete & Masonry
■ Confined Spaces
■ Ergonomics
■ Fire Extinguisher/Fire Protection
■ Hand and Power Tools
■ Hazardous & Toxic Substances
■ Heat Stress
■ Lead
■ Lockout/Tagout
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion each participant will receive laminated, wallet-sized card issued by the U.S. Department of Labor and a certificate of completion from Occupational Safety Services, Inc.
Personal Protective Equipment (29 CFR 1910.132)
This class is required for employees who use any form of personal protective equipment during the course of their duties. Actual samples of each form of PPE used by employees should be on hand for training, in order to customize presentations to specific needs. Topics for discussion include:
■ Facility PPE Hazard Assessment
■ Proper Selection, Use, and Maintenance
■ Limitations of PPE
■ Site-Specific Personal Protective Equipment
This course includes a written test. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate.
Respiratory Protection (29 CFR 1910.134)
Discusses the types of respirators available, the protection they provide, and the proper care and use of respirators. The focus of the class is customized to your own needs; air-purifying respirators, Supplied Air, or SCBA. Medical Evaluation forms are supplied, and the Fit Test is included as part of the program. The following topics are discussed:
■ Your Written Respiratory Protection Policy
■ Types of Respiratory Hazards
■ How the Respiratory System Works—Body’s Natural Protection
■ How to Choose the Proper Respirator
■ Inspection, Cleaning and Maintenance
■ Need for Medical Evaluation
■ Proper Donning and Fit Test.
This course includes a written and practical test. Upon successful completion, each student will receive a certificate and a laminated, wallet-sized identification card for instant on-site proof of training.
Traffic Control/Flagging
This program is designed to provide instruction to all employees working in or around traffic. Each year, we get reports of construction and utility workers being killed or injured in traffic related incidents. The following topics are designed to minimize the risk associated with those jobs:
■ Tips for Flagging
■ Barrier Types and Uses
■ Cone Placement
■ Stations
■ Traffic Control
This program includes a practical training workshop as well as a written test to establish the degree of understanding of the principals of traffic control. Each participant who successfully completes the training will receive a certificate of completion. A complete “Training Records Package” will be provided to the employer to satisfy OSHA requirements.
Trenching and Excavation
This program highlights the requirements for excavation and trenching operations and provides methods for protecting employees against cave-ins. Some topics discussed include:
■ Site Assessment
■ Soil Classification
■ Types of Protection
□ sloping and benching
□ shoring and shielding
■ Special Safety Considerations
This course includes a written test. Participants who successfully complete this training will receive a certificate.
Welding, Cutting and Brazing (29 CFR 1910.254)
This program is designed to instruct employees in proper health and safety practices when welding and brazing. Special emphasis is put on preventive measures that employees can use to minimize their on-the-job hazards. Topics include:
■ General Hazards
■ Fire
■ Confined Spaces
■ Environmental Controls
■ Personal Protective Equipment
■ Gas Cylinder Safety
A written test will be administered to determine participant’s understanding of class material. A certificate of completion will be given to all students who successfully complete this course.
Downsizing and budget constraints often make it difficult, if not impossible, for many employers to keep abreast of ever changing OSHA/PEOSHA regulations. Occupational Safety Services, Inc. can offer you the benefits of an in-house staff at a fraction of the cost of adding to your current labor force. By tailoring a package of services to your operation, our “Safety Management Program” allows you to supplement your current system, or we can develop and manage your entire safety operation. Monthly installments make professional safety assistance affordable for every operation. These are just some of the ways we can help you:
■ Evaluate the Effectiveness of Existing Safety and Health Programs and Practices
□ audit and revise existing safety policies
□ develop site specific policies mandated by OSHA/PEOSHA
□ clearly define safety program objectives and the responsibilities of both management and employees
□ evaluate job processes and employee work practices
■ Identify High Risk Activities
□ conduct “OSHA Type” facility inspections followed by written reports including recommended corrective actions
□ analyze accident losses to assist in the development of a comprehensive program to eliminate causal factors
□ assist in the development of a Safety Committee and monitor its activities
■ Develop and Implement a Cost Effective Safety and Compliance
□ recommend and provide site-specific training based on accident trends/risks and OSHA/PEOSHA requirements
□ develop and coordinate emergency response plans
▪ conduct fire drills
▪ train emergency response teams
▪ create emergency evacuation maps
□ manage OSHA/PEOSHA safety compliance recordkeeping